Risk Assessment
AmeriStaff's MEDRequest division offers a risk assessment program that provides a comprehensive screening which includes a blood pressure check and consists of a blood test profile similar to one doctors use to help determine the early stages of many diseases and disorders.
MEDRequest streamlines set-up and execution of your clinics by providing one point of contact. Your account manager works with you from start to finish ensuring that you and your staff receive personal attention and the best customer service.
We customize your clinics to meet your company's needs. Whether you have one large location with thousands of employees, or dozens of smaller sites, we customize our risk assessment program to ensure that your clinic(s) runs smoothly.
All results are instant and will be provided to the employee being tested within minutes. In compliance with HIPAA, employee's screening results will be released to an "Authorized Representative", contingent upon an employee-executed release.
We provide educational and promotional materials to publicize your scheduled clinics and maximize employee participation. This also includes website linkages and graphics.
MEDRequest strives to make your clinics an effortless experience for you and your employees and their dependents. We take care of all the details, from setup and scheduling to disposal and cleanup.
Basic Wellness Program Components
- Complete Lipid Profile- HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol
- Instant Glucose Level
- Blood Pressure
- Height and Weight
- Body Mass Index
Additional Testing Options
- A1C (3 month Glucose average)
- Pulmonary Function Testing
- Pulse-Ox Level Testing
Please Contact Us for more information!